Speakers May 31 – June 1st, 2022

Green transition and new allies- time to prioritize infrastructure
Norrbotten is taking the lead in the European Green Shift. Norrbotten as a part of the European Arctic has unique conditions when transforming society to climate friendly and attractive lives for people in the region.
Nils-Olov Lindfors
Regional Councillor Norrbotten
Nils-Olov represents the Region of Norrbotten as the Regional Councillor responsible for regional development. He holds a MSc and a Eur Ing in Metallurgy, graduated from the Royal Insititute of Technology in Stockholm 1973, and has had civil career as a metallurgist with international experiences such as being a high level consultant for the United Nations and the World Bank. Climate change and active forestry is of great interest and he has been very active in different projects and policies on carbon capture and storage.

Strong growth in the industry sector requires climate-friendly and efficient transport
Nordland is on the brink of a major green industrial shift, with significant levels of investment pouring into green sustainable industry in Mo i Rana, Mosjøen and Narvik, among other places. As such, Arctic logistics and transport are key components for a successful transition.
Linda Helen Haukland
Executive of Planning and Business Development, Nordland county council
Linda Helen Haukland holds a Phd in sociology and a master’s degree in history from Nord University in Nordland. She is the author of several books and articles based on her research on WWII, higher education, and Hans Nielsen Hauge. Haukland has worked as a journalist, editor and associate professor. She represents the Christian Democratic Party in Norway.

LKAB – transformation towards a sustainable future” funkar bra för mig
Niklas Johansson
Senior Vice President of Communication and climate, LKAB
Niklas holds an MBA and has a broad experience from both government and industry, with previous positions including Deputy CEO and Head of Communications for a small international industrial group.
Before joining LKAB he was State Secretary for the Minister for Enterprise and Innovation, and then State Secretary at Minister for Foreign Trade.

The port of Narvik
Børge Edvardsen Klingan
CEO, Port of Narvik
Works as CEO at Narvik Havn KF. Børge has a master’s degree in engineering from NTH/NTNU in Trondheim and a degree in business administration from BI in Oslo. He has extensive experience in management and business development related to the green shift, including renewable energy and logistics.

The North Bothnia Line, for gods and passenger - A central artery connecting Europe, now halfway
Planning is ongoing for the North Bothnia Line, a new 270-kilometre railway line between Umeå-Luleå.
The North Bothnia Line is intended to strengthen swedens rail freight system and enable passenger traffic between the cities along the Norrland coast. Studies are currently in progress.
The North Bothnia Line is the last link in the Bothnian Corridor and is included in the extension of the Scanmed Corridor further north from Stockholm.
The North Bothnia line Ltd was established in 2008 by the Regional political body in Norrbotten county and Regional political body in Västerbotten county as well as the municipalities of Umeå, Robertsfors, Skellefteå, Piteå, Luleå, Boden, Kalix and Haparanda. With purpose to:
– Provide the continued work with a clear legal and organizational platform.
– Clearly highlight the seriousness of the region’s own ambition and commitment to implement the project.
Elisabeth Sinclair
Project leader, The North Bothnia Line Group

A just green sustainable transition requires Nordic cooperation - Joint efforts will strengthen our economies and create jobs
Karianne Bråthen
Member of Parliament Stortinget Norway
Tidligere ordfører i fiskerikommunen Øksnes, transport på tog viktig for næringen her.
Nå stortingsrepresentant i næringskomiteen for AP og er fiskeripolitisk talsperson. Hun er også medlem av Nordisk Råd og utskottet for vekst og utvikling, samt medlem i grensehindergruppen i Nordisk Råd.

The importance of industrial investments and public investments in infrastructure go hand in hand
Mattias Karlsson
Member of Parliament (M)

Teres Lindberg
Member of Parliament
The Social Democratic Party

The Swedish Transport Administration – How we develop the infrastructure in Northern Sweden
The National Plan 2022-2033 with a focus on the northern part of Sweden and how we work to achieve a Modern, effective and sustainable transport system.
Annica Lindström
Senior Advisor in Infrastructural planning Swedish Transport Administration, Northern Region. Business area Market and Planning

Nils Ahlm
Strategic Planner in Infrastructural planning Swedish Transport Administration, Northern Region.
Business area Market and Planning.

Development of the railway infrastructure in Northern Norway
Both the Ofoten line and the Nordland line are important for Northern Norway and especially for freight transport. For both railway lines, measures are planned that will increase the capacity for freight traffic. The presentation will provide an overview of the current status and the measures planned for the years to come.
Thor Brækkan
Director Northern Region Infrastructure BANE Nor
Thor Brækkan is director for the Northern Region in Bane NOR Operations and Technology Division. Region North covers all railway lines in Norway north of Eidsvoll (about 70 km north of Oslo). Thor Brækkan has more than 35 years of experience in the railway industry. For most of the years he has been the head of different departments for maintenance and development of rail infrastructure.

An Insight at the Railway Infrastructure Development in Northern Finland
Kristiina Hallikas
Senior Officer, Traffic System Planning, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency

Lotta Rönström
Senior Adviser in European Affairs,
North Sweden European Office

Malmbanan – a vital link towards sustainable growth
Linda Bjurholt
General Manager LKAB Logistics
and CEO LKAB Malmtrafik AB

What is Green Industry Without Green Infrastructure?
Northern Sweden is a resource rich area and the mainland Europe is a resource hungry continent. Swedish and international businesses and enterprises are investing in excess of 100 billion euros in our part of the world over the coming 20 years. With renewable energy in abundance we are spearheading the green transition in line with our national and European goals of reaching zero emissions. However, the transport infrastructure to meet the development is not yet in place, which is raising concerns. Will Sweden be able to make a green shift and still remain competitive on the European and international markets?
Henric Fuchs
Senior Infrastructure Adviser for Region Västernorrland
Mr. Fuchs is specializing in strategic planning, policy advising and influencing at a national and European level. Mr. Fuchs mainly operates via the two collaboration platforms; Bothnian Corridor and The New East Coast Line – both aiming at national and European investments in a green and resilient transport infrastructure system for better connectivity and competitiveness.

Seafood through Narvik-region to markets worldwide via Swedish road and rail systems
Tatiana Petrova
Project Manager Northern Axis – Barents Link Project
Tatiana Petrova is currently working as the Project Manager in the Regional Council of Kainuu, Finland.
She has been leading the Northern Axis – Barents Link international project which aims to develop east-west transport corridor as well as cross-border mobility in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region. The project examines the potential of the supporting infrastructure of the participating regions.

Hannukainen Mining, Toward sustainable Iron-Copper-Gold Mine in Lapland
What challenges/advance do you have when the Mining project is situated in an old mining area? How does it help when the Owner of the Project is a contractor in mining business? How to transport? How to reduce the carbon footprint?
Jaana Koivumaa
Manager of Hannukainen Mining
Jaana is a Civil Engineer with a M.Sc. in Water- and Environmental Management. She has strong experience within the Finnish Mining Sector as an consultant in EIA-, permission-, environmental monitoring and management issues. As a Manager, Jaana sets Environmental- and Manager Policy. Working closely with local communities, people and government, Jaana manages here team, consultants and ensures that environmental criteria and companies policy are integrated into the design of the project.

Sustainable infrastructure for diversified business
Niklas Sirén
Sustainability Manager Municipality of Kiruna
Niklas Sirén is the Project Manager for Kiruna Sustainability Centre, a municipal organization focusing on making the “new” city a smart and sustainable one.
Niklas has been involved in municipal development for two decades and has held positions such as Chairman for the board of education and Deputy Mayor.

Railway transport capacity on the Iron Ore Line - The importance of cooperation among users
Thomas Nordmark
Head of Logistics, Copperstone Resources
Thomas Nordmark has 28 years of experience with heavy haul railways and has an ongoing PhD in Railway logistics from LTU. Thomas has worked for mining companies such as LKAB, Kaunis Iron and is currently setting up and developing the logistic system for Copperstone Resources.
The Copperstone Viscaria Project:
In 2019, Copperstone Resources acquired the Viscaria deposit in Kiruna. The goal with the reopening of the Viscaria mine is to become a modern and responsible copper producing mining company.

A sustainable world - Freight on railway offer a fossil free solution already today
Fredrik Kangas
Managing Director, Kiruna Wagon
Fredrik Kangas has been the managing director for the railway logistic company Kiruna Wagon, since the start 15 years ago.
Kiruna Wagon, that produces railway ore wagons, have progressed from being a local company and grown into a global brand with development, production and maintenance of railway based ore transport solutions. Great performance with high demands on productivity and a challenging environment is the core of the company.

The strategic importance of critical infrastructure for our security of supply
Överste Lars Karlsson
Chef Norra militärregionen

Peter Kauppi
Site Manager, Kiruna Cargo
Peter Kauppi has been the head of operations at Kiruna Cargo for 5 years. Before that, he worked for many years on several different railway infrastructure projects in Sweden.
Kiruna Cargo offers railway terminal services in Kiruna. The long term goal is to increase the volumes of traffic from the busy E10 route to the railway, in order to create a larger logistic hub in Kiruna.

Karoline Pettersson
Project leader LTU Business
Karoline Pettersson will be leading us through the conference as our moderator. She is an innovation expert an an experienced workshop facilitator, working at LTU Business in Luleå with projects across the region and internationally. During the last years her main focus has been the business development of regional SMEs as well as finding and implementing new methods of university collaboration for companies and organizations. Karoline has the exciting task of making the two days both efficient and enjoyable!